Historic Roser Park
Safety & Resources
Neighborhood Safety & Resources
Non-Emergency Police number:
Call the number below to report suspicious persons, juvenile delinquents, unusual behavior, etc.
(727) 893-7780
Neighborhood Police Officer:
Officer Santiago
St. Petersburg Police Department
(727) 348-2283
City Council Representative
(727) 893-7117
gina.driscoll@stpete.org (remember-all emails to the City are subject to Public Records requests)
Use the SeeClickFix app or visit the SeeClickFix website to report neighborhood issues and request assistance with City services. Examples: potholes, graffiti, broken sidewalks, storm drain issues, speeding, traffic signal/sign problems, special pick-up of dumped items, or codes violations.
The Mayor’s Action Center will acknowledge newly submitted issues and forward them to the appropriate City departments to take care of the requests. Users will receive email updates and can return to this page to check the status of submitted issues. When the issue is resolved, the issue can be closed. Separate issues should be submitted as separate SeeClickFix reports.
St. Petersburg Residents General Info
New to the neighborhood? Welcome! Click the link above for valuable resources in St. Pete, including events, parking & recreation, transportation, utility services, public safety, composting, voting, and more.
Are you registered to vote? Register today or check your voter registration by clicking the link above.
Pay Online
Please see the Membership tab for current dues information. Dues are payable January 1st.